Saturday 24 November 2007

The Life of a Woman

i have tried to wonder why it seems as though women are weak.

i mean, we do the multitasking- work, keep the home, raise the children, look good (the list is endless in the life of the average woman) and still manage to do a good job of it...

But when it comes to the issues of the heart, it looks like all the unique gifts of strenght (which have been displayed in every other area of her life) just go on a long vacation!

Is it just me or all women. using me for example, i happen to know i am a very level headed and strong person. i manage to sit on top of things and get things short my CV is tight..Lol

but this night when i was talking to Mr Z, it was like the someone erased every sharp skill in the CV and replaced it with things like silly, stupid, slow...

sometimes i wish i were much younger when i could indulge in those giggles and shy smiles (oh, those good ol days) and wish the guy could just carry you away in a rolls Royce (or is it Horse?) ..whatever, u get the message..

But this days, u have to be proper and sensible.. even if what you really want is to check by some scientific method if He is the one.

The whole heart marra is confusing sef and it looks like the older one gets, the more complicated the formula is. sometimes i pray one would not finally arrive "there" a tired old maid (not in age, but in the mind - the way my mind runs marathons these days...)

Z, i know you cant read this but i wish you would tell me what you are up to.
I wish you would assure me you wont break my heart. I can feel myself letting go and i am thinking in my head "mythots not again" ...
Hovering around me and "shadowing" me seriously for over one year without a word is dangerous for the heart oh.

I wish you would be different. I pray you wouldn't be number 3

Next time i will tell you guys about Nos 1-3...and of the Love (or is it Love(s) since they are more than one) that never was

Meanwhile, pls who knows why we women are like this.


Anonymous said...

girl, i can so relate to this post.


amazing thing is... we are so capable of bouncing back and loving harder than before.

good luck with z... he berra speak up soon!

Aijay said...

My dear, I wish I had an answer for u.
You seem uncertain about Z. What can I say? Follow ur heart.

I've updated and ehmm... I think u should do the same. lol.
Take care!

Writefreak said...

Welcome to blogville and thanks for stopping by my space..
To your question..i could write a whole piece on that, maybe make that my next topic..nah just joking. I think inside every woman is a soft place needing to be nourished and cherished so we let go when we see someone who fits our category of 'the guy'. When we find the right person, it's all worth the letting go..unfortunately some of us women have very unrealistic expectations from guys and relationships from romance novels and fairy tales...ok enough said

Allied said...

We don’t know why we are like this... I guess it’s the side effect of love.

Intuition will tell you about Z

rethots said...

‘cos women are soft at heart.
Well, in life if we don’t leap; we won’t know how far we can jump.
Short of which, what matters is to make the best of every relationship we are.
A friend once said, he make sure that for every (not that he hopes they’ll be many though) relationship he is, he would make the other person better for it. Quite profound.